Last meal

423 miles away, in a canyon blowing desperately in the desert, a million years ago, it rained.
I parked my car and the sun was dazzling in the droplets, blinding me.
My heart was in my face and I couldn't think, I could only feel.
All the ache, even when it was happening there was the ache of knowing it would be over soon.
My eyes found their target and I chocked on a sob and my chest cracked open and my insides started to spill out.
I cried while I kissed you, salty tears mixed with sweet rainy sun soaked kisses.
This was the last sweetly bitter memory I have before it was just all bitter.
If I could have one taste for the rest of my days it would be sweet salty desert kisses.
I would drink it to make the ache subside, to get drunk, to feel.
And I would eat all my words... all of them
And be sustained till my last day.


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