
Hello, I don't think we've met before
You seem familiar, maybe you know my sister
Strange we went to the same schools and never met...

I can feel your energy seeping through your clothes
You feel familiar

The water in our bodies are waving on the same tide
Can you swim?

I can see your pain through your eyes
I can feel your joy in your finger tips

We scream, in tandem,
screeching, aching, bristling arch of sound

We see the light fade, are we afraid of the dark?
It's so dark
This is the deepest darkest night of soul yet

Our skin melds and wretches, pulling and stretching

What is in the dark with us... do you hear that?
Cliff-ghasts and Dementors
All the evil I've read about in all of the darkest books
They are in my dark night of the soul
They live inside of me, I can see my shadow playing games with the horrors in my mind

But you are here now to help me
You are protecting me from myself
You are showing me my dark and are offering me your light
You saved me

It's so nice to meet you
I have always longed to be on this side of the darkness
Now here I am, saving myself... from myself.


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