6 of Swords - Second Decan of Aquarius


Second Decan of Aquarius - 6 of Swords

It rules over 10 - 20 degrees Aquarius - January 30 to February 8

Lord of Earned Success

Tree of Life Tiphareth - Mercury in Aquarius 

Did we win? Did we lose? 

We somehow decide that's not what's important (we must have lost) We decide the journey is the most important part. Mercury hits Aquarius like the winged golden god he is and starts to intellectualize everything. Questioning everything. What we "know" is just an illusion. We aren't necessarily interested in answers so much as making everyone around us think. The juice is in the thinking.

As long as our minds in are in motion so will our bodies be. This is what takes us out of the sticky situation from the 5 of swords. As long as we are asking questions we aren't taking any stances. This can be seen as a very progressive, scientific, individual or an intrusive, nosy, airhead sometimes incredibly both, at the same time. Either way it is the movement that we need to continue on our journey. 


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