8 of Cups - First Decan of Pisces

First Decan of Pisces is the 8 of Cup 

It rules over 0 - 10 degree Pisces - February 18 to February 28

Lord of Abandoned Success

Tree of Life - Hod - Saturn in Pisces (Indolence)

Hello Pisces, you sweet delicate fish. You step into your sun with delicious intent to be creative and imaginative and revel in your own success. The moment the sun hits your scales you see who is waiting to meet you there. Saturn. All heavy, responsible, and disciplined. It's enough to stop us in our tracks and make our empathy dry up, and our sensitivities falter. We decide instead of tearing it down and rebuilding, we will just step away for a moment, or 10 days.

We walk away from our very stable tower of cups, our learned compassion, and step out into the unknown. Into a new affirmation. We know that when we return nothing will be the same. Our spirit wont be the same. But we're ready for that, we are prepared to be the alchemist wanderer of our lives and find our new meaning.

How far will we go to circumvent Saturn? How happy do you want to be?


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