Black Moon Tarot Spread

I used 6 different decks for this spread. 
The center three is the 3 Gem spread from The Wild Unknown tarot cloth.

1. Gem of Creation
3 of swords
The Deviant Moon Tarot

2. Gem of Destruction
9 of Pentacles
The Gothic Tarot 

3. Gem of sustaining
The Star
Beautiful Creatures Tarot 

Left is clarity
The Star
The Wild Unknown 

Right is the energy I'll need to gather my gems
The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit

Top is how I will start the journey
Goddess Knowledge Cards

1. Gem of Creation
3 of swords
The Deviant Moon Tarot
It was quite disturbing for me to see that my creativity is born of heart ache, but then I chuckled, isn't it all. Wasn't Adele's 21 so good because of how hard she was hurting? And it's true for me, my muses scream at me most when my heart is peril. The down side is what, I have to go out looking for heartache to live to my full potential? Thanks a heap tarot. 

2. Gem of Destruction
9 of Pentacles
The Gothic Tarot 
On the complete flip of the last card, my destruction is happiness? This is either completely sadistic or completely Scorpio. "Sad is happy for deep people." taken to the next level. 

3. Gem of sustaining
The Star
Beautiful Creatures Tarot 
But what will sustain me is Hope? I have this whole argument where I don't believe in hope. Hope is a waste of energy. You want something go fucking get it don't sit back and HOPE it happens to you. Maybe this is a joke only I'll get. And I'm to do just that, go fucking get it.

Left is clarity
The Star
The Wild Unknown
And if one Star wasn't bad enough I got 2! Either this is, "hey get off your fat ass and live" or I'm missing something. 

Right is the energy I'll need to gather my gems
The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit
So... crocodiles are ferocious mother fuckers so I'm pretty sure the message is get my shit together and go Go GO! 

Top is how I will start the journey
Goddess Knowledge Cards
Themis' message is similar to the Crocodile. I need to ground out all of this fear and doubt and come at life swinging with Wisdom and Power. 

I hope you enjoyed my Black Moon Spread

Peace. Love. Tarot
The Sea Wytch


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