New Moon ~ Full Moon ~ Black Moon

September has 2 New Moons this year and the second is considered a Black Moon. This is a three card spread to take a peek into what September has to offer us. 

9 of Wands
New Moon

The World
Full Moon

Father of Pentacles
Black Moon

9 of Wands

New Moon in Virgo
For the first part of September we are climbing to a goal. At this point in our journey the end looks so far away and we are getting disheartened, but it's right there!! Don't give up! Maybe we are shaking off the dredges of Summer and preparing for the dark half of the year, but it's so close. We can use this Virgo energy to get our ducks in a row, clean up any residual mess and focus on our end goal. Look up to the waxing moon in the next few days and know that when She is full again our goal is nearly complete.

The World

Full Moon in Pisces
Starting on September 13th the full moon energy is going to start taking hold. Once full in all her glory she will show us how lucky we truly are. Our labors are finally paying off and we can look towards ourselves for inner improvement. We can use this Pisces energy to move intuitively through our days, follow your gut, follow your heart.  Be the best you in all aspects of life, shine like mysterious Artemis and open your senses to feeling all life has to offer. Don't hide away, be vulnerable and feel the Magick.

Father of Pentacles

Black Moon in Libra
With the moon waning out of September the energy is turned toward the home and family. It's a time of finding stability and keeping ourselves grounded. The Father of Pentacles is steady and passionate but he must beware of Libras energy tripping up his decisions. Know when to say no, keep the harmony and enjoy the beauty in life. We may be faced with a challenge, just stay true to yourself and keep on rockin'!

Happy September everyone! I hope this spread will give you some insight as to what to expect leading up to Mabon and October. 

Peace. Love. Adventure.
The Sea Wytch


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