5 of Cups - First Decan of Scorpio
The First Decan of Scorpio is the 5 of cups.
It rules over 0 - 10 degrees Scorpio - October 23 - November 1.
The Lord of Loss in Pleasure or Disappointment
Tree of Life - Geburah - Mars in Scorpio
OK, this is a pretty bleak card. The Lord of Loss in Pleasure? Disappointment?? Really. Yes, really unfortunately. I like to look at the decan cards as a tiny map of our astrological journeys, just another layer to add to our astrology and life story. With that in mind whoever is born under this card must have serious relationship issues, right? It's me, I am born under this card. So let's dive in.
In this teaching Scorpio is ruled by mars (I differ on this, I believe it is ruled by Pluto) but we can keep to the nuances of the Golden Dawn for structure. The tree of life formula for this card, and all of the 5's in a tarot deck, is Geburah, which is also ruled by Mars. So what happens when Mars is aloud to be in control of our relationships and emotions in his hometown during a home game? He basically blows his aggressive premature load all over your love life. Equaling - Loss in Pleasure & Disappointment.
If we take a quick peak backwards at the few cups that came before this we can kind of see the pattern of how we got here. 2 of cups "Love" the poor mans Lovers card, everything is disgustingly beautiful and perfect and new love has blossomed. 3 of cups "Abundance" when the love bombing is at it's peak we have no control over the love we start pouring into one another. 4 of cups "Luxury" we bask in the sun of our lovers love until we are sickly sweet of each other. 5 of cups "Disappointment" this affair went too fast and too hard and years play out in moments and this Scorpio energy is ready to aggressively ravage their partner until there is nothing left.
Does any of this sound familiar? Maybe a grand love affair with ZERO boundaries, aloud to completely consume and obliterate the relationship, until someone loses it and yeets the fuck out. (I don't know how to use Yeet)
So if this card comes up in a reading, maybe it is pre yeet and some broken hearts can be salvaged. Or, maybe you're reading for yourself and fuck it, you got this far bleeding into each others every pore, what could go wrong?
Golden Dawn
Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot - Lon Milo DuQuette
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