6 of Cups - Second Decan of Scorpio


The Second Decan of Scorpio is the 6 of Cups

It rules over 10 - 20 degrees Scorpio - November 2 - November 12

The Lord of Pleasure

Tree of Life - Tiphareth - Sun in Scorpio

All is right with the world again. As if the 5 of cups was just a fever dream brought on by an all night bender. The Sun is blazing through Tiphareth and it is loving it. Warming Scorpios icy little heart with playful sensuality. What could go wrong?

This card is utter pleasure. If you pull this first in a reading you should stop while you're ahead. Sounds too perfect, right? But, even Aleister Crowley himself said 

" Pleasure, in the title of this card, must be understood in its highest sense: it implies well-being, harmony of natural forces without effort or stain, ease, satisfaction. Foreign to the idea of the card is the gratification of natural or artificial desires. Yet it does represent emphatically the fulfillment of the sexual will, as shown by the ruling Saphira, planet, element, and sign."

And seriously we aren't going to get a more pleasant declaration about any other cards from him. So, let's just enjoy it.  



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