7 of Cups - Third Decan of Scorpio


The Third Decan of Scorpio is the 7 of Cups

It rules over 20 - 30 degrees Scorpio - November 12 - November 22

The Lord of Illusionary Success - Debauch 

Tree of Life - Netzach - Venus in Scorpio

OK, lovely cups, it looks like we peaked at 6 drinks. Once the 7th one hit our consciousness our overindulgence hit rock bottom. Which is a shame, Venus could be so sensual and beautiful in Scorpio, giving her a deeper understanding of her own inner beauty and self love. But instead Venus drinks too much and gets a little too merry for everyone else at the party and starts to make a fool of her self. 

But, Venus thinks she can hold all 7 of her drinks and is doing so well. All 7 of her cups are so fucking full of everything she loves she doesn't even know she is about to toss her cookies until it's happening all over the kitchen floor. Hence, Lord of illusionary Success.

Crowley also did not like this card...
"This is one of the worst ideas that one can have; its mode is poison, its goal madness. It represents the delusion of Delirium Tremens and drug addiction; it represents a sinking into the mire of false pleasure. There is something almost suicidal in this card."

Unfortunately this is our last cup until we get to Pisces season. So... to be continued....


Golden Dawn

Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot - Lon Milo DuQuette


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