2 of Pentacles - First Decan of Capricorn
First Decan of Capricorn is the 2 of Pentacles
It rules over 0 - 10 degrees of Capricorn - December 22 to December 30
The Lord of Harmonious Change
Tree of Life - Chokmah - Jupiter in Capricorn
Helllo Capricorn! We have moved from the exciting, expansive, fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants Sag (ruled by Jupiter) into the very responsible, daddy-issued Capricorn (Ruled by Saturn). The shift from Jupiter to Saturn is like night and day. Why are they are put in this order? I think its just a tiny jab from the universe. But, here we are, to buckle down, make priorities and learn structure.
Contrary to popular thought, the 2 of a suit is where the catapult of the energy is, not the ace. The ace shows us the opportunity for greatness, it is our job to bring it to the the 2. This 2 is all about harmony and more choices, ruled by Jupiter the choices are perceived by us as beautiful, expansive and captivating. Capricorn puts that into perspective for us and we make the choice with practicality and manifestation in mind. So we learn to cooperate with both expansive Jupiter energy and responsible Saturn energy.
So now that the choice has been made what's next?
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