9 of Wands - Second Decan of Sagittarius


The second Decan of Sagittarius is the 9 of wands

It rules over 10 to 20 degrees Sagittarius - December 3 to December 12

The Lord of Great Strength

Tree of life - Yesod - Moon in Sagittarius 

I'm just gonna say it, the moon is not comfortable in Sag. This planet of emotions and raising tides in the sign of great fiery expansion. So where is this strength coming from? I think it comes from the fact that we are dealing with 9. The number 9 can hold it's own in any reading knowing that it is almost 10. We never say oh hey, good job getting to 9, we say your almost complete, you're almost a 10. So the strength of this card is knowing it has already done most of the hard work.

Working through its own emotional state to remember who it is, is the 9 of wands greatest strength. 

This 9 will also use the momentum of the swiftness of the card before. Those 2 espressos are still jolting our wands into movement. So with the knowledge of it's own strength and the last dregs of energy from the 8, this card is a catapult of Great Strength 


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