8 of Wands - First Decan of Sagittarius
The first Decan of Sagittarius is the 8 of wands
It rules over 0 to 10 degrees Sagittarius - November 23 to December 2
The Lord of Swiftness
Tree of Life - Hod - Mercury in Sagittarius
I think this is the perfect card to begin Sagittarius. Pure speed. The moment our Archer locks her eyes on a goal it is focused fire to attain the prize.
Wants a job? Outshines the competition.
Wants a new lover? Charms and entices them.
A new adventure? Forget about it, her aim has already found a destination and bought tickets.
She is a double espresso with a vodka back ready to turn her energy into tangible matter.
Can you keep up?
Her only kryptonite is the burn out.
This card is the electric energy needed to zap any project into life. When it comes up in a reading you've got places to go and people to see, but maybe, pace yourself.
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