3 of Pentacles - Second Decan of Capricorn


Second Decan of Capricorn is the 3 of Pentacles

It rules over 10 - 20 degrees of Capricorn - December 31 to January 9

Lord of Material Works

Tree of Life - Binah - Mars in Capricorn

So, we have buckled down and choose a path proposed to us by the Ace of Pentacles. We are ready for some focused hard work. Mars kinda digs it in Capricorn, he likes Caps diligence and vision. So he offers his assistance, Mars snaps into action, craving a challenge. Mars slides right into Capricorns mental and physical DM's and starts getting shit done.

Ever wonder why the world is so eager to change, progress, be better, for New Year? You thought it was just the calendar date forcing us to want to have a clean start. No, it's the way Mars is making out with Capricorn in that oh so productive way.

So set your goals, count them twice, and get ready for a productive, eager, purposeful ride. 


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