4 of Pentacles - Third Decan of Capricorn
Third decan of Capricorn is the 4 of Pentacles
It rules over 20 - 30 degrees of Capricorn - January 10 to January 19
Lord of Earthly Power
Tree of Life - Chesed - Sun in Capricorn
We are nearing the end of Capricorn season, and he is going to leave us with another gift. He has already sparked our energy and gave us direction, now he joins up with the Sun and is going to give us foundation. Everything we have worked for is now taking form, has a shape, we can walk into it, touch it, prosper from it. But just because we have a brick and mortar for our ideas to live in and grow doesn't mean we get to be rigid old Scrooges. Which is what this energy will turn into if you don't keep your wits about you.
Remember how you got here, the excitable energy and the not knowing and harness that for the entire journey. Or else we forget how to grow, and change, and expand.
Capricorns last and final gift is the Sun. We have lived through the dark soul of night on the Solstice and now the Sun has returned. Were we slowly stir in our caves and welcome the warmth and longer days to find that spark of life we need to build our foundation.
Lessons and warnings, Saturn's forte. But soon we step into Aquarius and who knows where that will take us.
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