Five Element Spread
This 5 element spread takes a look at the different aspects of your life, like a big life picture.
Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Spirit.
I used the Wild Unknown Animal Spirit deck, I separated the 5 elements into 5 piles and pulled from each pile.
Once you get a feel for what each card is telling you, look back at all of them and read them all together.
Foundations of life, work, home, family.
- Fox -
He's telling me to remember what I'm good at, stay true to my calling and don'y stray. I am having some difficulty with that right now so his advice is to reconnect with a partnership and make connection.
Emotional world, health of relationships, creativity
- Swan -
She is telling me to start listening to my muses properly! All of those inner creative voices need to be heard. In order to get back to an infinite creative power I need to sit down with myself and write it all out.
Ego, self confidence & willingness to grow & transform
- Tiger -
She is reminding me not to fear the wild dark but to embrace it with all of my power. Which is funny cuz my new mantra has been "Embrace your Power". Again her advice is to sit in the stillness of the night and soak in her potential power.
Current relationship with movement, change & inspiration
- Eagle -
Again with the stepping into the unknown to be the best and brightest I can be. He comes with a warning of karmic fire for the sake of my transformation, so all of my creative enlightenment will come at a price, good or bad I guess is up to me.
Infinite, Spirituality
- Unicorn -
Representing the third eye chakra the Unicorn is telling me my quest for answers has begun. To look out past the mundane and know, not just think, know, where I am to be.
Clearly I am to go for my goals with gusto! All of my cards are predator cards and all very strong in their own element. I mean who's gonna hunt a Unicorn in the wild! They are all very clear in their message for me to meditate on my next life move and go get it! Open up to the Goddess / Universe and trust in it's power and to embrace my own power.
This spread can also be done with a regular tarot deck. Just separate the suits and use as elements and the major arcana as spirit.
If you like this spread and would like a reading contact me at
to make an appointment at One Studio in Gardnerville Nevada
Peace. Love. Adventure.
The Sea Wytch
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